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加班发的朋友圈句子搞笑(加班发朋友圈句子吸引女生)
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阅读:-
1.
Yeah,
baby,
tonight
I'm
becoming
a
night
owl!
#加班狂魔
#我太勤奋啦
【笑死我了】
2.
If
only
overtime
could
make
me
richer,
I'd
be
a
millionaire
by
now!
#工作狂人
#我也想过富豪生活
【哈哈哈】
3.
Some
people
go
clubbing
on
Friday
night,
go
keyboard
tapping.
#虔诚的工作者
#为了美好未来
【太搞笑了】
4.
My
bed
is
crying
for
me,
but
I'm
too
busy
making
money
for
it.
#劳累的人民
#你们好好睡觉吧
【开怀大笑】
5.
Burned-out
mode:
#工作不能停
#追求卓越
【太搞笑了】
6.
This
is
the
perfect
time
to
catch
up
on
my
favorite
podcast.
.
.
about
work
efficiency.
#职场人士必备
#学习努力打工
【笑炸了】
7.
Just
call
me
the
Night
Watchman
of
the
office.
#熬夜加班
#守卫公司
【哈哈哈哈】
8.
I'm
like
the
Energizer
Bunny
–
keep
going
and
going
and
going.
.
.
#永不疲倦
#为了梦想
【笑到不能停】
9.
My
boss
asked
me
to
work
overtime
tonight,
and
said
"Sure,
why
not
add
more
happiness
to
my
life?"
#昙花一现的幸福
#努力奋斗
【太好笑了】
10.
Why
stop
at
to
when
you
can
have
to
9?
#时时刻刻有工作
#追求更高
【哈哈哈哈哈】
11.
don't
always
work
overtime,
but
when
do,
make
sure
to
bring
snacks.
#准备充足
#加油加油
【笑炸了】
12.
If
quitting
time
were
a
real
person,
I'd
sue
it
for
emotional
distress.
#无休止的工作
#为了更好的明天
【哈哈哈哈】
13.
Apparently,
they
haven't
heard
that
"all
work
and
no
play
makes
Jack
a
dull
boy.
"
#我瞪他们一眼
#不拼搏怎么行
【太好笑了】
14.
I'm
not
sure
what
day
of
the
week
it
is
–
just
know
it's
a
work
day.
#重复的日子
#为了改变未来
【哈哈哈哈哈哈哈】
15.
"Don't
worry,
I'll
finish
this
task
by
tomorrow".
.
.
tomorrow
becomes
today,
and
I'm
still
here.
#说到做到
#永不言弃
【笑炸了】
16.
don't
always
love
my
job,
but
when
do,
it's
because
I'm
getting
paid
overtime.
#努力工作
#为了明天更加美好
【哈哈哈哈哈】
17.
Life
is
a
marathon,
but
work
is
a
sprint
–
all
the
time.
#永不止步
#信心满满
【太好笑了】
18.
They
say
"work
hard,
play
hard"
–
well,
I'm
still
working,
so
I'll
let
you
know
when
get
to
the
fun
part.
#在努力工作的路上
#不打擦边球
【哈哈哈哈哈哈哈】
19.
Alright,
who's
got
the
caffeine
drip?
I'm
gonna
need
it
for
the
overtime
shift.
#战斗到天明
#披荆斩棘
【笑炸了】
20.
If
you
hear
strange
noises
coming
from
the
office
late
at
night,
don't
worry
–
it's
just
me
and
my
keyboard.
#孤独的奋斗者
#为了更美好的未来
【笑得肚子疼】