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唯美句子加翻译成英语(唯美古风句子原文带翻译)
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阅读:-
1.
冬天的阳光特别温暖,仿佛是寒冷过后暖暖的拥抱。
【The
winter
sunlight
is
especially
warm,
as
if
it
is
a
warm
embrace
after
the
cold.
】
2.
所有的美好都是那么的短暂,就像晚霞,美得让你无法忘怀,却又转瞬即逝。
【All
beauty
is
so
fleeting,
like
a
sunset,
beautiful
enough
to
make
you
unforgettable,
but
fleeting.
】
3.
植物不需要用言语诉说,它们用芳香诉说,用姿态诉说,用颜色诉说,用生命诉说。
【Plants
don't
need
to
speak,
they
speak
with
fragrance,
posture,
color,
and
life.
】
4.
风带走了你的呼吸,却留下了一份难以忘怀的记忆。
【The
wind
takes
away
your
breath,
but
leaves
a
unforgettable
memory.
】
5.
窗外的雨滴,跳跃着,在窗玻璃上留下了诗意的印记。
【The
raindrops
outside
the
window
are
jumping
and
leaving
poetic
imprints
on
the
window
glass.
】
6.
时光温柔,却带走了太多的青春。
【Time
is
gentle,
but
takes
away
too
much
of
our
youth.
】
7.
情感无法言说,却可以用音乐表达。
【Emotions
are
indescribable,
but
can
be
expressed
through
music.
】
8.
当太阳缓缓落下,你是否感受到它离去的悲伤?【When
the
sun
slowly
sets,
do
you
feel
the
sadness
of
its
departure?】
9.
天色渐晚,一轮明月辉映城市,它让人感到无限美好,又让人思考生命的意义。
【As
the
night
falls,
a
bright
moon
shines
on
the
city,
making
people
feel
infinitely
beautiful
and
think
about
the
meaning
of
life.
】
10.
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。
【The
road
ahead
is
long
and
winding,
will
seek
constantly
and
climb
with
determination.
】
11.
生命如同行走的旅程,不断降落的花瓣儿,是转瞬即逝的美好。
【Life
is
like
a
journey,
and
the
falling
petals
are
fleeting
beauty.
】
12.
青山不改,绿水长流,岁月如歌,回忆往事,自有一片天空,安放我们所有。
【The
green
mountains
remain
unchanged,
the
green
water
flows
endlessly.
Time
sings,
memories
of
the
past,
we
have
a
sky
for
all
of
us.
】
13.
在夜晚的黑暗中,星光闪闪,像沉静的生命之光,静静照亮每条荒芜的路。
【In
the
darkness
of
the
night,
the
starlight
is
shining,
like
the
light
of
a
quiet
life,
quietly
illuminating
every
barren
road.
】
14.
人们常说,相距千里的思念才最深,那是因为情思需要时间的沉淀。
【People
often
say
that
the
deepest
longing
is
the
one
that
is
far
away,
because
love
needs
time
to
precipitate.
】
15.
在无声的清晨,一杯温热的茶水,一本优美的书,一段惬意的时光,是人生最美的享受之一。
【On
a
quiet
morning,
a
cup
of
warm
tea,
a
beautiful
book,
and
a
comfortable
time
are
one
of
life's
most
beautiful
pleasures.
】
16.
常常听到有人说,现在没有感动,只有刷屏。
真正的感动要靠内心进入,让我们重拾感知的能力。
【I
often
hear
people
say
that
there
is
no
touch
now,
only
screen
brushing.
Real
touches
come
from
within,
let
us
regain
our
ability
to
feel.
】
17.
一切美好的事物都需要探索和实践,因为想象力和实践是让我们与世界连接的两个重要纽带。
【All
beautiful
things
require
exploration
and
practice,
because
imagination
and
practice
are
the
two
important
links
that
connect
us
with
the
world.
】
18.
无论何时,何地,只要心中有一份美好的情感,你的生活便会充满爱和希望。
【Whenever
and
wherever,
as
long
as
there
is
a
beautiful
feeling
in
your
heart,
your
life
will
be
full
of
love
and
hope.
】
19.
日落时分,阳光慢慢融入山川河流,犹如黄金洒落在尘世间。
【At
sunset,
the
sunlight
slowly
melts
into
the
mountains,
rivers
and
streams,
like
golden
dust
sprinkled
in
the
world.
】
20.
如果你感到迷茫,不妨静下心来,去感受日出日落,听听风雨声,生命总会给你一个美好的答案。
【If
you
feel
confused,
you
may
wish
to
calm
down
and
experience
sunrise
and
sunset,
listen
to
the
sound
of
wind
and
rain,
and
life
will
always
give
you
a
wonderful
answer.
】