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复古英文句子文案生活(暗恋的文案句子英文)
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阅读:-
1.
"Good
morning,
sunshine,
let
your
day
be
as
fabulous
as
your
vintage
dress.
"】
2.
"Life
is
too
short
to
wear
boring
clothes.
"】
3.
"Happiness
is
a
warm
cup
of
tea
and
a
good
book
in
a
cozy
corner.
"】
4.
"Who
needs
technology
when
you
can
have
a
classic
vinyl
player
and
a
stack
of
records?"】
5.
"In
a
world
full
of
trends,
remain
a
classic.
"】
6.
"Life
is
an
adventure,
so
why
not
dress
for
it?"】
7.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
"】
8.
"We
don't
remember
days,
we
remember
moments,
so
make
everyday
unforgettable.
"】
9.
"If
you
want
to
be
original,
be
ready
to
be
copied.
"】
10.
"There
is
no
such
thing
as
too
many
vintage
handbags.
"】
11.
"Fashion
fades,
but
style
is
eternal.
"】
12.
"Old
ways
won't
open
new
doors.
"】
13.
"Life
is
too
short
to
not
have
fun,
so
put
on
your
dancing
shoes
and
let's
swing
the
night
away.
"】
14.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
sweet,
just
like
a
cherry
pie
straight
out
of
the
oven.
"】
15.
"Fashion
is
not
about
what
you
wear,
it's
about
how
you
live.
"】
16.
"A
cup
of
tea
solves
everything.
"】
17.
"Style
is
a
way
to
say
who
you
are
without
having
to
speak.
"】
18.
"Vintage
is
not
a
trend,
it's
a
lifestyle.
"】
19.
"Be
yourself,
everyone
else
is
already
taken.
"】
20.
"Life
is
about
creating
yourself,
so
why
not
create
a
fabulous
life?"】