.jpg)
Back
to
reality,
reluctantly
saying
goodbye
to
the
leisurely
days
of
vacation.
【结束假期的感叹】
2.
Time
flies
when
you're
having
fun,
but
now
it's
time
to
get
back
to
work.
【度假时光总是过得特别快】
3.
The
memories
of
my
vacation
will
linger
on
as
tackle
the
challenges
of
everyday
life
once
again.
【离开度假胜地,回到通勤工作的生活】
4.
It's
time
to
say
goodbye
to
the
beach,
the
sun,
and
everything
in
between.
【告别浪漫的海滩度假】
5.
The
end
of
vacation
means
the
beginning
of
new
opportunities
and
adventures.
【结束度假,开始新的冒险】
6.
Going
back
to
the
daily
grind
after
vacation
is
always
tough,
but
it
makes
us
appreciate
the
good
times
even
more.
【回归日常工作的艰辛】
7.
Even
though
the
vacation
has
ended,
the
memories
will
last
a
lifetime.
【度假结束,美好回忆永驻心间】
8.
The
end
of
vacation
still
gives
us
a
burst
of
energy
to
tackle
new
challenges.
【度假结束后的新的奋斗目标】
9.
Every
vacation
has
to
come
to
an
end,
but
the
beautiful
moments
will
always
remain
in
our
hearts.
【告别度假胜地,不说再见】
10.
It's
time
to
resume
the
routine
of
work,
but
the
spirit
of
relaxation
stays
with
us.
【回到工作岗位,带着度假心情】
11.
The
end
of
vacation
doesn't
mean
the
end
of
rest,
we
can
always
take
breaks
when
we
need
them.
【度假结束,放松心情不应停顿】
2.
We
may
be
back
to
reality,
but
the
feeling
of
rejuvenation
stays.
【回到现实,带着焕然一新的感觉】
3.
The
end
of
vacation
reminds
us
to
cherish
the
little
moments
of
relaxation
in
our
daily
lives.
【度假结束,回归平凡生活】
4.
The
end
of
vacation
means
exchanging
the
beach
towels
for
work
clothes.
【告别懒散度假,装扮新的工作形象】
5.
It's
time
to
say
goodbye
to
the
lazy
afternoons
and
hello
to
productive
mornings.
【告别慵懒时光,迎接充实新日程】
6.
The
end
of
vacation
doesn't
mean
the
end
of
happiness.
We
can
always
create
our
own
joy.
【度假结束,随时都可创造快乐】
7.
Vacation
is
over,
but
the
gratitude
for
the
time
away
remains.
【离开度假胜地,留下感激心情】
8.
The
end
of
vacation
is
bitter-sweet,
as
we
bid
farewell
to
relaxation
and
welcome
productivity.
【度假结束,矛盾的心态】
9.
Even
though
vacation
has
come
to
an
end,
the
journey
of
life
continues.
【度假路上的风景已经过去,生命旅程继续】
20.
As
we
end
our
vacation,
let's
remember
to
take
care
of
ourselves
and
enjoy
the
little
moments
each
day.
【度假结束,日常生活也有独特的魅力】
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