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失恋文案生活励志句子短句(失恋励志文案短句)
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阅读:-
1.
Letting
go
doesn't
mean
giving
up,
it
means
accepting
that
some
things
weren't
meant
to
be.
【失恋后,学会放手,不要认为自己放弃了,而是接受事实,有些事情本来就不该发生。
】
2.
Heartbreak
is
not
the
end,
it's
the
beginning
of
a
new
chapter
in
your
life.
【失恋并不是终点,它是你生活新篇章的开始。
】
3.
It's
okay
to
cry,
but
don't
let
your
tears
blind
you
to
the
beauty
that
still
surrounds
you.
【哭泣无妨,但不要让眼泪遮住了你身边依然美好的一切。
】
4.
Love
yourself
enough
to
know
when
to
walk
away
from
someone
who
doesn't
appreciate
you.
【要爱自己,知道何时该放手,摆脱那些不懂得珍惜你的人。
】
5.
Don't
regret
the
past,
because
it
has
taught
you
valuable
lessons
for
the
future.
【不要后悔过去,因为它曾教给你宝贵的经验教训,指引你未来。
】
6.
You
can't
control
the
actions
of
others,
but
you
can
control
how
you
react
to
them.
【你无法控制别人的行为,但你能掌握自己的反应。
】
7.
Sometimes
the
best
thing
you
can
do
for
someone
is
to
let
them
go.
【有时候,对别人最好的帮助就是放手让他们走。
】
8.
Everything
happens
for
a
reason,
even
heartbreak.
Believe
that
good
things
are
still
in
store
for
you.
【万事皆有因,连心碎也一样。
相信好事依然在等着你。
】
9.
Don't
let
a
bad
relationship
define
you,
instead
use
it
to
make
you
stronger.
【不要让糟糕的恋情界定你,而是让它让你变得更加坚强。
】
10.
Your
worth
is
not
defined
by
who
loves
you,
but
by
how
you
love
yourself.
【你的价值不是被谁爱了定义的,而是你如何爱自己所定义的。
】
11.
The
only
way
to
heal
a
broken
heart
is
to
give
it
time,
be
patient
with
yourself.
【治愈破碎的心需要时间,耐心等待自己的恢复。
】
12.
Sometimes
it
takes
the
worst
pain
to
bring
out
the
best
in
us.
【有时候最痛苦的经历才能激发我们最好的一面。
】
13.
setback
is
just
a
setup
for
a
comeback,
believe
that
your
best
days
are
still
ahead
of
you.
【挫折只是为了铺垫新的开始,相信你最美好的时光还在前面。
】
14.
Forget
the
pain,
but
never
forget
the
lesson
that
came
with
it.
【忘记痛苦,但不要忘记它带给你的教训。
】
15.
Don't
be
afraid
to
start
over,
sometimes
the
best
is
yet
to
come.
【不要害怕重新开始,有时候最好的还在后头。
】
16.
When
one
door
closes,
another
one
opens.
Keep
the
faith
that
something
better
is
waiting
for
you.
【一扇门关上,另一扇门会打开,相信更好的机遇在等着你。
】
17.
It's
better
to
be
single
and
happy,
than
to
be
in
a
relationship
and
feel
alone.
【宁愿一个人过得快乐,也不要在恋情中孤独无助。
】
18.
Don't
let
temporary
heartbreak
overshadow
the
permanent
love
that
exists
within
you.
【不要让暂时的痛苦掩盖自己内在的永恒之爱。
】
19.
You
are
more
than
your
failed
relationship,
don't
let
it
define
you.
【你不仅仅是失败的恋情,不要让它定义你。
】
20.
In
the
end,
the
only
person
who
can
truly
make
you
happy
is
yourself.
【最终,真正能让你快乐的人是你自己。
】