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头像伤感语录英文短句(伤感的情感语录英文)
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阅读:-
1.
broken
heart
can
never
be
fixed,
but
it
can
learn
to
beat
again.
【#HeartbreakQuotes】
2.
Memories
are
like
ghosts,
they
haunt
you
when
you
least
expect
it.
【#SadQuotes】
3.
It's
hard
to
move
on
when
you're
still
holding
on.
【#MovingOnQuotes】
4.
Every
goodbye
is
a
new
beginning,
but
it
doesn't
make
it
any
easier.
【#GoodbyeQuotes】
5.
Sometimes
the
only
thing
left
to
do
is
to
cry
and
let
it
all
out.
【#CryingQuotes】
6.
Pain
is
a
reminder
that
we're
still
alive,
even
when
it
hurts.
【#PainfulQuotes】
7.
Saying
you're
okay
when
you're
not
is
the
hardest
thing
to
do.
【#OkayQuotes】
8.
The
hardest
part
of
loving
someone
is
letting
them
go.
【#LoveQuotes】
9.
Sometimes
we
hold
onto
things
that
we
know
we
need
to
let
go
of.
【#LettingGoQuotes】
10.
It's
okay
to
not
be
okay,
as
long
as
you
keep
trying.
【#KeepTryingQuotes】
11.
Sadness
is
a
heavy
burden
to
carry,
but
it
doesn't
have
to
be
forever.
【#SadnessQuotes】
12.
The
tears
we
cry
are
the
words
we
cannot
express.
【#TearsQuotes】
13.
Heartache
is
a
part
of
life,
but
it
doesn't
define
us.
【#HeartacheQuotes】
14.
Sometimes
the
only
cure
for
a
broken
heart
is
time.
【#TimeQuotes】
15.
People
can
hurt
you,
but
it's
up
to
you
to
choose
whether
to
let
them.
【#HurtQuotes】
16.
Finding
the
strength
to
move
on
is
hard,
but
it's
always
worth
it.
【#StrengthQuotes】
17.
smile
can
hide
a
thousand
tears,
but
it
doesn't
make
them
go
away.
【#SmileQuotes】
18.
Life
can
be
tough,
but
so
are
we.
【#LifeQuotes】
19.
Sometimes
the
only
way
out
is
through.
【#ThroughQuotes】
20.
It's
okay
to
be
sad
sometimes,
as
long
as
you
don't
give
up.
【#SadnessQuotes】