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形容温柔好句子英文短句(形容男子温柔儒雅的句子)
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
Her
gentle
touch
and
soothing
voice
always
comforted
those
around
her.
【gentle】
2.
He
had
a
kind
heart
and
always
spoke
with
warmth
and
tenderness.
【kind】
3.
The
softness
in
her
gaze
and
the
gentleness
of
her
smile
conveyed
pure
warmth.
【soft】
4.
His
gestures
were
delicate
and
his
words
were
always
kind,
reflecting
his
gentle
nature.
【delicate】
5.
She
never
raised
her
voice
in
anger
or
frustration,
instead
speaking
softly
and
with
compassion.
【compassionate】
6.
His
simple
acts
of
kindness
and
gentle
manners
won
over
the
hearts
of
everyone
he
met.
【kindness】
7.
Whenever
someone
was
feeling
down,
she
would
offer
a
warm
hug
and
words
of
encouragement.
【encouraging】
8.
His
quiet
strength
and
calm
demeanor
always
put
those
around
him
at
ease.
【calm】
9.
She
had
a
way
of
making
everyone
feel
special,
with
her
sweet
and
gentle
personality.
【sweet】
10.
His
gentle
presence
was
like
a
warm
blanket
on
a
cold
winter's
night,
wrapping
those
around
him
in
comfort.
【comforting】
11.
She
had
a
soft
heart
and
the
ability
to
empathize
with
others,
showing
gentle
understanding.
【empathetic】
12.
His
selfless
acts
of
kindness
and
gentle
nature
made
him
beloved
by
all
who
knew
him.
【selfless】
13.
She
had
a
way
of
calming
even
the
most
restless
souls
with
her
gentle
touch
and
soothing
words.
【soothing】
14.
His
gentle
eyes
and
warm
smile
lit
up
the
room,
creating
an
atmosphere
of
peace
and
love.
【peaceful】
15.
She
never
judged
others
and
always
treated
everyone
with
the
utmost
respect
and
kindness.
【respectful】
16.
His
gentle
spirit
and
loving
heart
were
evident
in
everything
he
did
and
said.
【loving】
17.
She
had
a
heart
full
of
compassion
and
a
gentle
touch
that
brought
comfort
to
those
in
need.
【comforting】
18.
His
simple
acts
of
kindness
showed
the
power
of
a
gentle
soul,
making
the
world
a
better
place.
【powerful】
19.
She
had
the
ability
to
see
the
beauty
in
everyone
and
everything,
spreading
gentle
positivity
wherever
she
went.
【positive】
20.
His
gentle
embrace
and
reassuring
words
were
like
a
balm
to
those
who
were
hurting.
【reassuring】