1.描写天空的英文短文 50字左右
It is very sunny today, the sky is blue and clean, there are some blue clouds in the sky, they look like white sheep, how beautiful!
It is very sunny today, the sky is blue and clean, there are some blue clouds in the sky, they look like white sheep, how beautiful!
many students are playing on the playground, the sun is shining brightly, the air is very fresh,some birds are singing in the trees, what a happy day!
1. Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.
2. The sky is that beautiful old parchment in which the sun and the moon keep their diary
3. The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.
4. We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.
描写星空的英文句子有:The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars,意思是无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。
1 On a clear night,the sky appears to be filled with stars.
2 the twinkling of a starry sky。
3 Here,the dusk is sudden,the night silent,the panoply of stars immense and brilliant.
4 Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
the twinkling of a starry sky星空的闪耀
Here, the dusk is sudden, the night silent, the panoply of stars immense and brilliant.
The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars.
On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars.
Here I stand in Bressanone with the stars up in the sky
Are they shining over Brenner
and upon the other side you would be a sweet surrender
And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surdly stay
Wo my heart would surely stay
Mow the clouds are flying by me
and the moon is the rise I have left stars behind me
they were disamondsin your skies
You would be a sweet surrender
And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surely stay
Wo my heart would surely stay
Finding it so boundless and profound.
Its infinite truth makes me try
Try to seek it and follow by.
Finding it so solemn and purified.
Its holy righteousness inspires
Inspires me with reverence and passion high.
Finding it so free and fairly quiet.
On it I perch and snuggle by.
Finding it so magnificent and brilliant.
Ignite hopes and spring thunder follows by.
Here I stand in Bressanone with the stars up in the sky
Are they shining over Brenner
and upon the other side you would be a sweet surrender
And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surdly stay
Wo my heart would surely stay
Mow the clouds are flying by me
and the moon is the rise I have left stars behind me
they were disamondsin your skies
You would be a sweet surrender
And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surely stay
Wo my heart would surely stay
〖One〗、Snow clothes, with snow and tender heart, more holy than the clouds, more hot than fire, in the cold wind to fly, burning in the dark.雪一般的衣裳,有着雪一般温柔的内心,比云朵更圣洁,比火焰更炽热,在寒风中飞翔,在黑夜里燃烧。
〖Two〗、Your angel, your love with the wrist, touch every injured child.无私的天使,你用博爱的手腕,抚摩着每一个受伤的孩子。
〖Three〗、Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor's arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.多少个夜晚,你们与死神和病魔抗争,治疗时是医生的臂膀,巡视时是患者的亲戚,监护时是健康的使者,抢救时是生命的.卫士。
〖Four〗、A panic in the face, your love be strong without fear.一张张恐慌的面孔,在你的仁爱中变得坚强无惧。
〖Five〗、How many days you heal the wounded and rescue the dying, fighting in the first line.多少个白昼,你们战斗在救死扶伤的第一线。
〖Six〗、Do you have great faith: give it my all, in order to live more happy more beautiful.你们有崇高的信念:奉献我的一切,为了他人生活得更幸福更美好。
〖Seven〗、You are brave, anti crisis, attack difficulty, carry all before one, your loyalty, according to medical ethics, keep the purpose, have succeeded in carrying out an assignment.你们勇敢,抗危机、攻难关、势如破竹,你们忠诚,遵医德、守宗旨、不辱使命。
〖Eight〗、I praise the nurse can use weak shoulders strong enough to carry a daughter, mother, wife's burden.我赞美护士能用柔弱的肩膀挑起一份女儿、母亲、妻子的重担。
〖Nine〗、Have clean and pure mind, noble sentiment; in each patient with a occupation smile; do not expect anything in return just offer in their heart.有着纯洁的心灵,()高尚的情操;走进每一位患者总带着一份职业性的微笑;不求回报只求奉献成了她们心中的骄傲。
〖Ten〗、However, spring summer autumn and winter, they are always in a white coat.不论,春夏秋冬,他们,总穿着白大褂。
1〖One〗、With your cold heart, warm every heart afraid of heart.你用冰寒的内心,温暖着每一颗惧怕的心灵。
1〖Two〗、You are the patron saint of life, your wisdom and sincerity to hold up the sun life, your selfless sacrifice life, heal the wounded bear bitter hardships, pain.你们是生命的守护神,你们用智慧和真诚托起生命的阳光,你们无私,献生命,扶伤痛,含辛茹苦。
1〖Three〗、Work is common but great, trivial and difficult, difficult and difficult.工作平凡而又伟大,琐碎而又不易,艰辛而又劳苦。
1〖Four〗、A sad eyes, you become a peaceful tranquil.一双双忧伤的眼睛,在你的恬淡中变得安详平静。