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常用英文生活句子(生活与咖啡的英文句子)
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
Where
is
the
nearest
coffee
shop?
【问路常用】
2.
I'm
really
looking
forward
to
our
vacation.
【期待度假】
3.
Can
we
meet
up
for
lunch
later?
【约饭常用】
4.
need
to
go
grocery
shopping
this
afternoon.
【买菜时间】
5.
The
weather
is
so
nice
today,
let's
go
for
a
walk.
【散步天气美好】
6.
Would
you
like
to
grab
a
drink
after
work?
【下班约酒】
7.
I'm
so
tired,
just
want
to
go
home
and
relax.
【疲惫想回家】
8.
Have
you
seen
the
latest
episode
of
that
show?
【谈论电视剧】
9.
I'm
going
to
the
gym
this
evening,
want
to
come
along?
【约健身】
10.
Can
borrow
your
pen
for
a
moment?
【借笔】
11.
I'm
sorry,
can't
make
it
to
your
party
this
weekend.
【拒绝邀请】
12.
What
time
is
the
meeting
tomorrow?
【问会议时间】
13.
love
listening
to
music
while
work.
【工作时听音乐】
14.
I'm
craving
sushi,
let's
go
out
for
dinner.
【想吃寿司】
15.
How
was
your
weekend?
【问周末】
16.
need
to
finish
this
project
by
the
end
of
the
day.
【任务紧急】
17.
Let's
watch
a
movie
tonight.
【看电影常用】
18.
What's
your
favorite
type
of
food?
【问喜欢的食物类型】
19.
I'm
going
to
visit
my
family
next
week.
【下周回家探亲】
20.
It's
been
a
long
day,
let's
just
order
a
pizza
for
dinner.
【一天累,点比萨】